zhù注 1 ) “ L ” xuǎn選 xiàng項 shì是 wú無 yóu油 de的 chǔ處 lǐ理 。
Note 2) The dynamic viscosity of the fluid must not exceed 50 mm2/s.
zhù注 2 ) liú流 tǐ體 de的 yùn運 dòng動 nián粘 dù度 bù不 dé得 chāo超 guò過 5 0 háo毫 mǐ米 / miǎo秒 。
The special construction of the armature adopted in the built-in full-wave rectifier type gives an improvement in OFF response by providing clearance on the
zài在 nèi內 zhì置 quán全 bō波 zhěng整 liú流 shì式 diàn電 shū樞 cǎi采 yòng用 de的 tè特 shū殊 jié結 gòu構 , tí提 gōng供 le了 yī一 zhǒng種 gǎi改 jìn進 de的 xiǎng響 yìng應 , tōng通 guò過 tí提 gōng供 jiàn間 xì隙 de的
absorbed surface when it is switched ON.
zài在 bèi被 jiē接 tōng通 shí時 xī吸 shōu收 biǎo表 miàn面 。
Select the DC spec. or AC spec. built-in full-wave rectifier type when the dynamic viscosity is higher than water or when the OFF response is prioritized.
xuǎn選 zé擇 zhí直 liú流 huò或 jiāo交 liú流 guī規 gé格 guī規 gé格 nèi內 zhì置 quán全 bō波 zhěng整 liú流 xíng型 shí時 de的 dòng動 lì力 nián粘 dù度 bǐ比 shuǐ水 gāo高 huò或 dāng當 xiǎng響 yìng應 yōu優 xiān先 。
Note 3) Coil insulation type Class H: AC spec. only
zhù注 3 ) xiàn線 quān圈 jué絕 yuán緣 xíng型 H jí級 : A C guī規 gé格 zhī只
Note 4) The nuts (non-wetted parts) are nickel-plated on the Brass (C37) material.
zhù注 4 ) jiān堅 guǒ果 ( fēi非 jiē接 chù觸 bù部 fen分 ) shì是 dù鍍 niè鎳 de的 huáng黃 tóng銅 ( C 3 7 ) cái材 liào料 。
Note 5) There is no shading coil attached to the DC spec. or AC spec built-in full-wave rectifier type.
zhù注 5 ) méi沒 yǒu有 zhē遮 yáng陽 xiàn線 quān圈 lián連 jiē接 dào到 D C huò或 A C guī規 gé格 guī規 gé格 nèi內 zhì置 quán全 bō波 zhěng整 liú流 xíng型 。
Please contact SMC when fluids other than above are used.
電磁閥 VZ110-4DZ-M5-F SMC
電磁閥 VFR4310-4DZC-04 SMC
電磁閥 VFR5110-4DZC-06 SMC
電磁閥 2W200-20-AC220V SMC
電磁閥 VFR3110-4DZC-02 SMC
電磁閥 VT317E-4DZC-02 SMC
電磁閥 VFR4110-4DZC-04 SMC
電磁閥 VXZ2360-10-4DZ SMC
電磁閥 VXZ2350-06-4DZ SMC
電磁閥 VXZ2240-04-4DLR1 SMC
電磁閥 VFR4110-4DZC-03 SMC
電磁閥 VFR3110-4DZC-03 SMC
電磁閥 VFR4210-4DZC-04 SMC
電磁閥 VFR4210-4DZC-03 SMC
Note 1) “L” option is the oil-free treatment.
Note 2) The dynamic viscosity of the fluid must not exceed 50 mm2/s.
The special construction of the armature adopted in the built-in full-wave rectifier type gives an improvement in OFF response by providing clearance on the
absorbed surface when it is switched ON.
Select the DC spec. or AC spec. built-in full-wave rectifier type when the dynamic viscosity is higher than water or when the OFF response is prioritized.
Note 3) Coil insulation type Class H: AC spec. only
Note 4) The nuts (non-wetted parts) are nickel-plated on the Brass (C37) material.
Note 5) There is no shading coil attached to the DC spec. or AC spec built-in full-wave rectifier type.
Please contact SMC when fluids other than above are used