Many home owners wait up to 60-seconds or more
for hot water to their faucet or shower….
許多家庭在打開熱水龍頭后, 到熱水出來需要等待60秒, 甚至更長
With Grundfos the Wait is over!!!
有了格蘭富, 你不須再等待!!!
UP Series - New Home UP系列 – 新裝飾的住宅
Return-Line 熱水回水管
A return-line is installed from the end of the hot water supply line back to the water heater
A circulator pump is used to circulate water through the main hot water line and the return-line back to the water heater to keep hot water in the main line
在熱水回水管上安裝一臺循環泵, 在熱水管, 熱水回水管, 和熱水器所組成的回路中來循環水, 使熱水管中的水溫保持在一定的范圍內
A timer, aquastat, or both may be used to control the operation of the pump
配合時間控制器, 溫度控制器, 或二者的一起使用, 來控制循環泵的運行
System Components 系統中部件
Grundfos UP Circulator Pump 格蘭富UP循環泵
Piping Insulation 保溫材料
System Timer 時間控制器
Aquastat 溫度控制器
Comfort System – Retrofit
Comfort 系統 – **應用
Why hot water recirculation has been virtually impossible for existing homes?
Traditional hot water recirculation is difficult, if not practically impossible to install in existing homes --- especially homes with finished basements
New Strategy for Existing Homes
**的解決方案 – 為已裝飾的住宅
The Grundfos Comfort System provides a unique and cost effective solution for your customers that will make them happy and earn you more profits
格蘭富**地開發出Comfort 系統,為您提供獨特的解決方案。
New Home Construction
UP Series (Return-Line)
Retro Fit
Comfort System (By-Pass)
已裝飾的住宅:Comfort 系統(格蘭富溫控閥)
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